Saturday, 25 June 2011

But he doesn't have HBO!!

This has been a week full if sickies and misfortunes. It all started when I said, "I hope it's NOT something going around.." and so now begins the ramblings of a sick mind.... And I mean sick like... Sinus cold... Pain that feels like God is pressing his fingers on your cheeks and pushing whilst laughing like a maniac, not like, Human Centepede sick mind.

I got up nice and early with Ian today. I had a good sleep last night so it felt really good. I went home and he went to work. I tried to relax for a few hours before I had to go in at three. Watched some FEAR (fuck everything and run). Bitches were killed. It was good. I liked.
Used a whole box of tissue and tried my best to look good...
I get to work and they send me home. To be honey, I was glad. So glad. And since I made the trip to the mall where I work, I decided to sit down and have a tea..... That was at three..... It's five now..... I have not moved. I called my mum, so at least my "tea time" was somewhat productive to me.... But still.... Fuck. I have no energy. No appetite. Nothing but chills and pain and a longing for FEAR.

This....... Uh.. Sucks. And dear lady. Get your fucking bratty kid away from me or I'll unleash some germ warfare.... Don't test me lady.... I have a snotty sneeze ready... if he crosses No Mans Land once more...
You know how it'll end..

Hey reader, do you ever get th the point in your hour, day or whatever when you're listening to your iPod but you're so distracted that you have no fucking idea what you're listening to anymore? It started with your favourite song and an hour later you're like "what the fuck... When did it finish?"
that's where I am right now... Other than the starbucks in chapters.... Ian is coming to save me.. He's bringing the magic pills Gwen brought me the otherday. When I was doped on them, I apparently told Ian that "I want a kitten because Im fuzzy and kittens are kittens and we would match."

that's me, dear reader. 100% Athina right thuurrrrrrr. Fuck I need to not be in the chair anymore.... Help me Jesus!!!!

...... I wan F3AR. how does one say that..... F-three-ARrrrr....? Maybe.....? Ian is here.... He bought the Avatar the Last Airbender game

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