Sunday, 17 April 2011

... And I'm not your "baby"....

Whyvare guys the way they are? Do they honestly think that their ridiculous pick up lines will work? Have they ever in the past?
Why can guys be such creeps?
Not to say that girls can't be creeps, but every girl I have had come up to me and try to pick me up have been really sweet about it.
Here are some famous lines I had tossed at me at work:
"so, you like games, eh? You're pretty sexy for a nerd. So you have the fcebook?"
... No word of lie... That's how it went. It ended with Nicole and I laughing in his face and telling him to have a great night.
"you're a Zelda girl!?!? That's AWESOME!" (trust me... This one started good... and then...) "here's my number.... Wanna go for drinks later?"
my answer...."uh....I'm already going for drinks with friends from here....*runs to Ian* IM GOING FOR DRINKS WITH YOU!!!!!"
... Okay, so that guy was rather sweet but then he somehow found me an added me on fb.... I don't use my real name on fb....
A few days later... His buddy came in.... And asked me out. As if it was a battle of the fittest and I was the prize.
Then... There was the guy who was high as a fuxking kite looking me up and down, very interested with my upper torso, licking his lips an saying, "I'd LOVE to get to know you better..."
I think that one made me puke a bit.

After that last fail dude came in, I was rattled and my manager told me how to deal and told me that I could politely tell them off if it ever happened again. Today I had the lovely chance to do just that.
These two guys came in and where looking at some watches we sell. I came over and told them how cool them watches are and how I have one. I flashed them my wrist and a smile and they kept moving closer and closet into my virgin bubble(what I call personal was invaded) and one of them leaned in real close and said, "oh that watch is pky, but I just got myself a g shock, baby, look at that baby!" and he flashed me the most disgusting looking price of shiny plastic I've ever seen. Caught between laughing and stating the hideousness of this thing the only words I could muster were, "Im NOT your baby. Feel free to look around. If you have any questions don't forget to ask." and I walked away.

IM NOT YOUR FUCKING BABY!!! Slipping that word into a coversation with a woman you just met and shared maybe ten words with DOES NOT make her wet and hot or you. Or just creeps her the fuck out if it doesn't piss her off first.

So please, guys, stop it. I don't need it and I'm pretty sure other women if the world don't need it either. That is all.


  1. uggggggggggggggggh

    That is part of why I hate our culture, because a lot of men are taught (subconsciously and through experience) that women's bodies are there for their enjoyment and exist only in relation to men's sexual needs. Thats the beauty of rape culture- when men aren't taught to respect bodies as individual and sacred, they become objects, something to possess :|

    Seriously woman. You need a rape whistle :D

  2. It's sad. It makes me sad.. uggh.
    Either a whistle or the right to punch them in the face. I just don't get it. Do they honestly think that that's how we like it? Just like "WA BAM! IMMA PICK YOU UP NAO!!"

    I miss you lots my queerish friend.
