Friday, 15 April 2011

Can you call in being "female"...?

Ya know what is AWESOME about being a woman? Many things. We get the hair, the makeup, the cutesy shoes, the jewelry, the little bags, the BIG bags, the tights, the lace bras, the cute knickers, the high heels, the boots, the nice smelling stuff, the lotion, the chocolate, the flowers, the false eyelashes, the manicures,  the lippy, and pretty much everything that is fun, frilly and cute.
What we also get though are the razor burn on our legs and other sensitive areas, the mood swings and lovely pregnancy worries every now and then.
One of the most horrible things I find about birth control is also one of the most amazing things about it, and the reason I was put on it when I was fifteen. The cycling of your monthly insanity.
It cycles the period so that it WILL happen every Twenty-eight days or so, and that all fine and dandy, but if you happen to run out, or something happens and you're unable to take the daily pill for a few days, that wonderful scheduled bleeding will decide that it may want to wait a little, make you sweat and go crazy.
This is what happened to me, and holy fuck. I hated life for two days.
Stressing and stressing about the problem didn't make me feel any better because I realized that stress can also make a period run late, so I'd try to relax and be not-stressed but I'd feel it even more.
After two days of "OH MY GOD, WHERE IS THE BLOOD!?!?!?!", the moment it happened I was the happiest woman ever. Running to the loo and jumping around for about five minutes, with a ridiculous smile on my face was short lived when it dawned on me that I was wearing my cutesy knickers. At that moment, I glared down at my crotch area and said, "...Fuck off..."
So, now I'm happy that I'm bleeding, because it means that I'm not "with child" but now I have to worry about the cramps, cravings, mood swings, and most terrible.... the ruined knickers =(
The sickness that comes hand in hand with the pain. oh the PAAAAIN!!
It's on the first or second day when I just want to sit around and eat. I don't want to move.... much..... let alone go to work. Unfortunately, today, I have to go to work.
I love my job, and by love I mean, I FUCKING love my job, but right now, when I'm bleeding and in pain the last thing I want to do is have to deal with children. Children yelling. Children being spoiled. Children asking questions.
Sometimes I feel crazy.... but from what I hear, being irritable is normal during this time.... yes?
Sometimes I feel like I want to pick up said child and eat it.
Sometimes I enjoy daydreaming about punching people in the face.
But I'm also hormonal and bleeding. My logic is perfect.

It's wonderful being a woman. We get all the nice things. We also get bipolar tendencies and ruined knickers. Whatever. Ya know, it sucks, but we get used to it, and some of us are lucky enough to have an amazing significant other to help us through this insane time. Sometimes they cuddle with us while we bitch and cry, and sometimes they just leave us alone when we want to be alone.
I am lucky enough to have the man who brings me chocolate and cosmo and let me whine and be angry for five days of the month without passing judgement. It is indeed wonderful.

So, now I'm off to work. Maybe if I listen to some upbeat music and have some coffee, I won't want o punch people and eat children. Maybe I can pull off "normal" today.

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